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All-inclusive Canine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Course • 121 lessonsCanine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course with Dr. Debra Canapp
Introduction to Canine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - a la carte
Course • 2 lessonsThis course consists of the introduction to MSK ultrasound lecture & Quiz (3 CE)
Introduction to Canine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Homework - a la carte
Course • 11 lessonsThis course consists of the homework associated with the a la carte INTRODUCTION MODULE - This is required only if you would like the ability to submit remote reads to Dr. Debra Canapp following the successful completion of requirements.
Canine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Shoulder Module - a la carte
Course • 4 lessonsThis course is the SHOULDER module - includes the lecture series and quiz only (4 CE)
Canine Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Shoulder Homework - a la carte
Course • 20 lessonsThis course consists of the homework associated with the a la carte SHOULDER MODULE - This is required only if you would like the ability to submit remote reads to Dr. Debra Canapp following the successful completion of requirements.
Remote Read Eligibility - SHOULDER
Course • 9 lessons$500
Case-Based Exploration: Medial Shoulder Syndrome
Course • 2 lessonsHow to identify MSS on palpation Diagnostics Treatment options that range from medical management to arthroscopic treatment with a needle scope Review of real-life cases Data review Q&A
Case-Based Exploration: Iliopsoas Strains
Course • 2 lessonsHow to identify iliopsoas strains on palpation; Diagnostics to help confirm the injury; Review of a real-life case: history, presentation, diagnostics, treatments, rehab, recovery, and return to function; Treatment options

Instructor Debra Canapp, DVM, CVA, CCRT, DACVSMR
I have time constraints, can I still take this course?
This course is completely online, accessible to you from the comfort of your own home (or work) and with the ability to complete at your own pace.
How does this course work?
The first module you will have access to is the introduction to MSK US, once you have successfully completed the pre-requisites for that module, the next will become available to you. For example, following the completion of INTRO you will gain access to the shoulder module, once you have completed the shoulder module you will gain access to the next module, etc.
What does the homework entail?
Each homework will test your technique and imaging. All homework will be personally graded by Dr. Debra Canapp and feedback will be given in a timely manner. You will have the opportunity to make corrections (if needed) based on the feedback and resubmit your homework for a final grade. Homework submission guidelines will be provided within the course platform.
What makes this course different from other shorter, less expensive options?
The difference is in the content. Not only do you get introduction to MSK ultrasound but you get 5 separate modules on pathology, case studies, imaging, techniques and real life troubleshooting for iliopsoas, stifle, tarsus, shoulder and carpus. There is homework provided to help practice what you learn with real time feedback from Dr. Debra Canapp, as well as a chance to re-submit the homework once you’ve received the feedback. You receive all of this for 12 months to complete at your own pace, with an option to extend at the end. We will also be providing optional monthly demonstrations / Q&A’s.
Do I need to own an ultrasound machine to take this course?
It is not required to have an ultrasound machine or probe, however it is necessary in order to submit the homework as they are technique and image based. Homework is not required but highly recommended to perfect your technique and is required for eligibility to submit remote reads in the future. *If you are interested in purchasing an ultrasound machine, Please go to our 'recommendations' page for more information on a few we like. (
What are the transducer requirements?
Probe recommendations for the best outcome is a linear transducer with a range of 12MHz, 15MHz, or 18MHz (minimum of 12MHz). Clinically and diagnostically we recommend at least 15MHz with the best being 18MHz.
Can I share my log-in with a friend/colleague?
No. We offer special pricing for multiple doctors within a clinic interested in taking this course, so please do not share your log-in or content with someone else. If we are alerted to the multiple log-in/use of one account, you will be dismissed from the course without a refund.
I am concerned about taking a course completely online without any in-person training. Should I be?
We truly believe having the ability to learn at your own pace, have 24/7 access to the content, quizzes and personalized feedback on the homework will help reinforce the knowledge obtained within this course. Thus allowing you to excel in your own practice.
I have several doctors at my practice interested in taking the MSK course, is there any special pricing?
We do offer special pricing for hospitals with multiple interested doctors. To qualify, all interested doctors must be actively employed by the same location. The cost is one full price all-inclusive course ($7750) for the initial doctor and $2500 for each additional doctor. For example, 3 doctor’s from the same practice interested in taking the course would be $12,750. Each doctor will get their own personal log-in and access to the all-inclusive course option, which includes homework. Please contact us for more information.
Remote Read Qualification
To be eligible for future interpretation of cases by Dr. Debra Canapp you MUST complete these steps. Purchase of homework and the remote read submission exam / submission guidelines are not required unless you are interested in submitting remote reads.
ALL homework for introduction to MSK ultrasound must be successfully completed (successful = passing)
ALL homework for location(s) of interest, i.e shoulder and/or stifle, must be successfully completed (successful = passing)
Remote read examination & submission guidelines successfully completed (successful = passing)